Allison Marie Clark - Online Memorial Website

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Allison Clark
Born in New York
17 years
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Uncle Tom

This writing was printed in the Daily Word on the day of Allison's funeral. I find th words and the Bible verse truly incredible as it describes what Allison stands for.




 Remembering You

I thank God for you.


You have shown me through the very way you have lived your life that God within us is greater than any challenge we could ever face together or alone. My soul rejoices each time I remember you, for you are someone I love, someone who taught me the sacredness of all people.


Remembering you, I am honoring a creation of God who exemplifies the good that can be accomplished through a willing heart. Remembering you encourages me to follow in your footsteps in letting God express life, love, and understanding through me.


"I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for you."--Philippians 1:3-4                                         

Ashley Witkop

I remember when allison came to my grandmas house for one of our famous sunday dinners i asked her if i could brush her hair  i always pretended i was a hair dresser and she was at my sallon.allison had amazing hair i think that girl stood in the shower conditioning  for hours (Till this day i still cant get my hair as perfect as she did) well as i was brushing her hair i got the brush stuck in her hair , she asked me if everything was alright and i remember not answering and going to get my aunt and grandma, you should have seen the look on her face when she saw the big knot in her hair. As much as she wanted to scream she calmed down and we finally got it out. i loved her so much and i wish she was still here today to see how ive grown. Allison was an amazing person and i look up to her in everything i do. ill never ever forget her or that funny day when i got he brush stuck in her beautiful hair.

Lynn Smith

I have several fun memories with Allison.  We were always having fun.  I remember I used to dress up like "Jem" when she was a little girl and dance and sing for her.  I remember having Allison over my house and we colored eggs for Easter.  I don't know who had more dye on them, me or her.  I remember when Allison had to dress up for something at school and she wore one of my skirts and everyone told her what nice legs she had.  I don't think Allison would mind me sharing this and I think it's hysterical.  She slept over my house and she must have been maybe 2 1/2 and she came up to me and said "Lynn, I picked my nose and I'm not going to tell you where I put it........"  and I kept asking her and she wouldn't tell me and I think of it and it still makes me smile.  Allison,  you were such a special person and I loved every minute I got to spend with you.  You will always be special, always.  I love you, honey.

A special memory of Allison that I will treasure forever is of the last Mothers Day I  spent with my daughter.  Just 5 days before Allison's death, I awoke to find that she had cooked  a wonderful breakfast for me. The food was delicious, the  candlelit setting was beautiful but what I 'll always remember is the gift she gave to me of her love. Her happiness at my joy, her thoughtfulness and how she always made me feel that I was special to her and loved  by her is what I will remember every Mother's Day, always. 
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